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4 May 2021

There Are Always More

Sometimes we get stuck inside our heads. We become fixated upon a particular idea. We turn it over and over in our minds, seeing it from all different angles. This process is not healthy for the soul.

Don’t fall into the trap of ruminating on an idea, worried at the back of your mind that there will not be another idea to replace it, to capture your imagination to quite the same degree that this special little idea has.

Release those ideas out into the world. They are a dime a dozen. I am not saying that the idea itself isn’t special and unique, redolent of wonder. I am the very last person to tell anyone that all artistic ideas, such as dramatic plots, have all been thought up before. Whenever I come across those naysayers, I am reminded of the mobile. This fun little decoration, with objects hung from supports and suspended in the air, is found hovering over cribs around the globe. However, it would not have come into existence without Alexander Calder, the American sculptor, seizing upon a particular idea. He wanted to embrace the element of chance within his work. Out of this investigation, the “kinetic sculpture” was born. The mobile had never existed before Calder came across it in his own creative pursuit.

Your idea can be that influential. But the trick is to have some faith that each and every idea that gains some traction in the mind needs to be relinquished, in order to make room for another idea. Those ideas will flow. Guaranteed. I am not sure how it works, what sort of contract we make with the universe, but the ideas always will come forth. So, send those ideas out into the world. Another one will be sure to follow, just as good as the last one. Different, unique – but altogether just as inspired.

Develop the habit of releasing ideas
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