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21 Dec 2021

Your Creative Sunrise

Happy Solstice! This is the day when the sun retreats into the dark of night, and we look forward to its rebirth. We shall circle once more around the sun over the next twelve months. Let’s take this opportunity to articulate our artistic goals for the coming year. Search out a way to enliven the spirit.

This site is for all of us who aspire for a deeper connection to the expansive stream of creativity. Maybe we cannot always easily draw from that source. Sometimes it is a struggle. But we all know deep down that the stream is there, ready to be accessed.

Paul McCartney once commented that he had an intuitive understanding about the songs that he composed. He believed that they were already written, just floating in the creative stream. He only needed to pull them inwards and convey them to the world at large. He had that gift. And you have that gift.

This is a resource for those who know that living is a creative act, no matter the current we are all following – it can literally be anything – from child-rearing to composing a symphony. The difference between you and others is the deep-seated understanding that we are responsible for unearthing our tomorrow. Nothing is set in stone. We are constructing our world, every moment.

So, let’s seize hold of this realization and run with it.

I want to inspire. But I also do not want this site to be flush with ersatz wisdom. I want you to rely upon me, as an honest broker in the creative endeavor. I strive for these postings to be real, full of the everyday challenges that artists face. I want this site to be a record of my own creative journey, full of all my self-doubt. I also want to explore the strategies that I employ to get beyond those questions. Let’s have a productive experience with ourselves and our art over the next twelve months.

Take out a piece of paper and write down your artistic aspirations for the year. Just begin writing, without thinking too much about it. With as much detail as possible, describe the project that you want to create for the world over the next year. It can be anything – but settle into this aspiration and connect with all the possibilities that will unfurl as this project blossoms. Then tuck this scrap of paper away, in someplace safe. You will want to refer to it over the course of the next year. Articulating this goal makes it real. You are making manifest this aspiration, in a subtle way. It is the first dive into the creative stream.

The difference between you and others is the deep-seated understanding that we are responsible for unearthing our tomorrow. Nothing is set in stone. We are…
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