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13 Jun 2022

The Subconscious Knocks

Over the past several weeks, we have been working steadily upon the creative endeavor, making inroads into our understanding of why this specific project is so important to us at this juncture in our lives. Often, we are not aware of its significance. The subconscious will attempt to claim a place at the table of our creation, clamoring for our attention. While its presence may be insightful, it can also be challenging to integrate those subconscious stirrings into our work.

I have been following the creative journey this year as well, tracking my progress along with the rest of you. While working on my novel, I have been stumped for months on a series of disconnected passages. My subconscious has prompted me to write almost one hundred pages of them. But those pages have nothing to do with my novel. I just couldn’t understand why I felt compelled to write about this topic. But then, in a moment of frustration, it finally became clear to me. I had a breakthrough, after months of hitting dead ends. The subconscious ramblings finally had a place in the novel. They were suddenly quite relevant, even indispensable. I was overcome with delight. But had taken months of self-doubt before that epiphany arrived.

Certain images, ideas, or snatches of dialogue come out of the ether. They stick with you, through all the iterations, and you are loathe to lose sight of them as the story progresses. They matter. But it seems as if much of the creative endeavor involves grounding those subconscious elements in reality and making them readable to a wider audience than just yourself.

Meaning demands application of the rational. Aligning the subconscious with what may be called “consensus reality” seems challenging. But it is the calling of the project. How do those dreamy aspects of the process become part of a social fabric where meaning is easily transferred from the artist to the recipient of the work? The subconscious impressions that you want to incorporate into your work need scaffolding upon which to gain a toehold. So much of writing involves making the dream readable to others.

Contrary to popular belief, artists are not the ones with their head in the clouds. We are often the most practical, for we are compelled to distill dreams to their most essential elements and then link those elements to a shared reality.

Don’t be discouraged by the puzzles your subconscious throws at you. Be persistent. They are worth following to a resolution. Much of the process of art – on a very practical level – is problem solving. If you want to be more esoteric, then it is a process of unlocking the mystery that is forever unfolding right in front of you. Embrace this task.

Inside of you is an artist that you do not fully know. Dreams must be settled into. Let them lose some of their luster. They are rough and raw material. You must become comfortable with them – treat them as an old friend or even adversary. With patience, these subconscious impressions will reveal an even greater wonder, as you finally perceive how they fit into the whole of your artistic endeavor. A new pattern forms. You witness how they relate to the larger world of the creative enterprise.

If you are in the throes of confronting mystery, do not become disillusioned. The subconscious is pressing you forward. The connection, the clarity will come over time. It may be uncomfortably slow in coming. But continue to work with it — it will finally reveal its place in a surprising way.

The subconscious will attempt to claim a place at the table of our creation, clamoring for our attention. While its presence may be insightful, it…
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