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Offering up some guideposts for the creative journey. Exploring the process from the inside out. Finding inspiration along the way.
David Dowd stand at the foot of a street art mural depicting a Hopi native amidst California hills and poppies
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Solitude and the Artist

But if you sit still for long enough, then something strange begins to emerge from this engagement with the mind. What was once myriad thoughts can be observed to encompass only maybe eight to ten notions that keep cycling through your awareness.

What’s Your Obsession?

But we desperately need new models, new and esteemed texts need to be uncovered that take us away from the terrain of war. There should be texts that speak to our moment – where our delicate equilibrium of climate is being upended daily.

At the Top of the Creative Mountain

Your expectations shape your reality. I have had the opportunity of connecting with every one of you over the past year in one form or another, whether in person or online. I believe in your potential. Spend a few moments with yourself in a quiet space and remind yourself of why you began this project in the first place. Remember how exciting it was when you first captured its essence in your mind’s eye.

Jump Start Youur Creative Journey - a man stands with his back to the camera looking at a subway train wooshing by

Jump Start Your Creative Journey

Need help getting your creative project off the ground? Join our community and get a Free PDF of the 12-Week Daylight for Dreamers Creative Journey program to jump-start your artistic project!

David Dowd stand at the foot of a street art mural depicting a Hopi native amidst California hills and poppies

David John Dowd

David is a writer and studio still life photographer living in Northern California. He has developed documentary film projects around the globe, on topics ranging from language-immersed great apes to indigenous communities in South America. During the waking hours, he is at work on a new novel and memoir.