
Taking Art Outside
Find some time this week to connect with an environment that speaks to you creatively. It doesn’t have to be a museum...
Books for the Dog Days of Summer
August is upon us. The dog days are here. Make a last-ditch effort to wrangle some of the waning summer to read...
The Crow’s Feather
The crows protested when I let out the dogs. It was early morning – actually less than morning – still night. But this...
Intersection of Art and Yoga
A friend gave me some valuable advice this past week. He was reading through some pages of fiction I have written over...
The Conversation Between Two Artists
At the start of our creative journey together, I asked you to unearth an artistic partner for yourself. I wanted you...
Artistic Zenith
Celebrate Summer Solstice this week! This is the half-way point on your creative journey. This is the time to...

Jump Start Your Creative Journey
Need help getting your creative project off the ground? Join our community and get a Free PDF of the 12-Week Daylight for Dreamers Creative Journey program to jump-start your artistic project!

David John Dowd
David is a writer and studio still life photographer living in Northern California. He has developed documentary film projects around the globe, on topics ranging from language-immersed great apes to indigenous communities in South America. During the waking hours, he is at work on a new novel and memoir.