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Creativity and the Art of Juggling

Creativity and the Art of Juggling

I am a big fan of the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami. I have devoured each of his books, and now they sit prominently on my bookshelf, close at hand, in case I need inspiration. His characters inhabit flamboyant and imaginative worlds, such as “Killing...
The Beauty of Drawing

The Beauty of Drawing

I have lost a favorite book. Many years ago, I knew exactly where to find it. But a fire that ripped through my house a couple of years back took it away from me, along with everything else. All was lost. The fire destroyed about 6,00 homes in Sonoma County in the...
The Natural Rhythm of Art

The Natural Rhythm of Art

There is a natural rhythm to artistic work. It shouldn’t be rushed or forced, but, rather, it should be integrated into the core of our lives. I have a dear friend, who is a writer. She recently posted on Facebook that writing is a JOB. She actually capitalized the...
Spark of Genius

Spark of Genius

“Love for our neighbour, being made of creative attention, is analogous to genius,” wrote the philosopher Simone Weil in 1942. She probably could have found a simpler way to get her point across. But she is a philosopher after all. That spark of genius is a...
Dare to be Unwise

Dare to be Unwise

I am working on a memoir right now, exploring a brief period of my life, which was both turbulent and psychologically insightful. I would like to think that there is some value in sharing my story. We will just have to see. But, as I write, there are some parts of...