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The Puppet and her Travels

The Puppet and her Travels

I have been transfixed by the travels of Amal over the past several weeks. Finally, her legs have stretched over the English Channel. She has finally reached her destination. One might wonder about the legs of a little girl crossing the strait between France and...
The Haunting

The Haunting

It must be the season. I wonder about a certain rhythm to my work. I often find myself deep within the creative process. At this moment, the wave of enthusiasm that I am riding comes crashing down. All of the sentences that I have painstakingly put down on paper...
The Yoga of the Potter’s Wheel

The Yoga of the Potter’s Wheel

Stephen Cope, in his book “Yoga and the Quest for the True Self” sets forth the notion of “clear seeing.” He writes: “I discovered an intriguing paradox. In the yogic world, an air of unreality permeates discussions about the real. “Seeing” came to mean something...
A Trail for Secrets

A Trail for Secrets

In his most recent opinion column in the New York Times, Frank Bruni details a significant experience. It suggests a strategy for encountering the creative muse. His neighbor told him about a new walking trail near his house. Bruni had never seen it before. At first...
Climate in All Art

Climate in All Art

There was a recent insightful article in “The New York Times.” It captured my interest. The subject was the climate and what we could do to address this crisis from an individual’s perspective, given how massive is the problem that we confront. The article was written...