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The Emerging Artist

The Emerging Artist

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been focused upon establishing a natural rhythm to the time devoted to the creative endeavor. I have encouraged you to determine some sort of schedule for yourself – a window set aside specifically to engage with the artistic...
10 Tips For Increasing Creativity

10 Tips For Increasing Creativity

Listen to the same song at the beginning of each daily practice. This anchors the process. Honor your creative space. Treat it as something sacred. Is there a way to bring a spiritual touchstone into the space? Quickly name the first two objects that come to mind....
Wonder of Others

Wonder of Others

I stumbled upon an observation. I don’t know where it came from. I was having lunch at a local spot with a dear friend – she is beautiful, expansive and full of wisdom herself. She is a talented painter. I related to her a thought that just came to me — that...