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10 Tips For Increasing Creativity

10 Tips For Increasing Creativity

Listen to the same song at the beginning of each daily practice. This anchors the process. Honor your creative space. Treat it as something sacred. Is there a way to bring a spiritual touchstone into the space? Quickly name the first two objects that come to mind....
The Ideal Reader

The Ideal Reader

Elizabeth Gilbert uses a specific strategy when working on a project: she settles upon one of her close friends as the intended reader of her work. For each project, she selects a different friend, someone whose unique personality somehow fits with the topic or could...
The Inspiration

The Inspiration

The title “Daylight for Dreamers” first came to mind a long while ago. I had the phrase floating around in my head for a number of years. But I never had a place to put it. I wonder if others have the same predilection for conjuring up titles for books and stories...
More on the Creative Conversation

More on the Creative Conversation

I realized that the last posting fell short in terms of suggesting any practical way in which such a conversation can take place – how to develop that creative interplay. I suppose that the paths into this back-and-forth are myriad. I find that I need to build a...
Jung, Tarot and the Creative Conversation

Jung, Tarot and the Creative Conversation

The creative process is a tricky one, for it involves a dialogue between both sides of the brain – the rational and the intuitive. The unconscious and the conscious mind exist in a profound state of interdependence. The well-being of one is impossible without the...