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The Creative Mediator

The Creative Mediator

There is an oft-repeated theme running through these posts. The creative journey is an ongoing dialogue between the rational mind and the collective unconscious. Engagement between these two sides of the brain sometimes needs a navigator, for the different aspects of...
The Wild Mind

The Wild Mind

Be wary of thinking that you have to approach the creative endeavor with a factory-like doggedness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do not trust artists who say that they pick up the pen or the brush at exactly 8:15 every morning and then lay it down eight...
More on the Creative Conversation

More on the Creative Conversation

I realized that the last posting fell short in terms of suggesting any practical way in which such a conversation can take place – how to develop that creative interplay. I suppose that the paths into this back-and-forth are myriad. I find that I need to build a...
Jung, Tarot and the Creative Conversation

Jung, Tarot and the Creative Conversation

The creative process is a tricky one, for it involves a dialogue between both sides of the brain – the rational and the intuitive. The unconscious and the conscious mind exist in a profound state of interdependence. The well-being of one is impossible without the...